2008年6月29日 星期日




Due: 6/29/2008 at 18:00

書名:Thinking in Java 2E中文版
作者:艾克爾 (Eckel, Bruce) 著
候 捷 譯
王 建興 譯

3.設計一個程式 列出數值1~100 並且加總
public class counter{
public static void main ( String [] args)
int num = 0;
int sum;
while(num < 100)
num ++ ;
System.out.println("number = " + number);
sum = sum + num;
System.out.println("the total is" + sum);

作者:H. M. Deitel、P. J. Deitel 著
陸茵、陳文敬 譯


public class pyramidal
public static void main ( String [] args)
int i,m;
for (i= 0; i<10 ;i++)
for(m = 0; m <= i: m++)

2008年6月16日 星期一

Lab Static method

Define a Complex class with a static method for computing complex addition. Use (2+3i)+(4+5i) in your test.

Lab Magic Parking Tower

A parking tower is out of order someday. If you park a Benz, you will end up with a Torben. Write a program to simulate this scenario. First create a class called CarParked which has a static method called outOfOrder. Name an object called yourCar, which happens to be a Benz. Your program should contain a class called CarParked and a test program called CarParkedDemo which test the method by CarParked.outOfOrder(yourCar).

Hint: You may study Display 5.14 to get some ideas.

2008年6月9日 星期一

Homework 6-02-2008

2. (30)

Write a complete Java program that uses a for loop to compute the sum of the even numbers and the sum of the odd numbers between 1 and 50.

public class Sum {
public static void main ( String [] args )
int sum_even = 0;
int sum_odd = 0;
int number = 1;

for (int i = 1; i <= 50; i++)
if(number % 2 == 0){
sum_even = sum_even + number;
if(number % 2 == 1){
sum_odd = sum_odd + number;
number ++;

System.out.println("Sum of even = " + sum_even);
System.out.println("Sum of odd = " + sum_odd);

3. (20) Rewrite the following for loop using a while expression.

int Sum=0;
for(i=0; i<=10; i++)

public class SumUsingWhile {
public static void main ( String [] args )
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i <= 10)
sum = sum + i;
System.out.println("sum = " + sum);

2008年6月2日 星期一

Lab Overloading

Do Display 4.11
import java.util.Scanner;

public class DateSixthTry
private String month;
private int day;
private int year;

public void setDate(int monthInt, int day, int year)
if ( dateOK(monthInt, day , year))
this.month = monthString(monthInt);
this.year = year;
this.day = day;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");

public void setDate(String monthString, int day,int year)
if (dateOK(monthString, day , year) )
this.month = monthString;
this.year = year;
this.day = day;
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
public void setDate(int year)
setDate(1 ,1 ,year);
private boolean dateOK(int monthInt, int dayInt, int yearInt)
return ((monthInt >= 1) && (monthInt <= 12) && (dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) && (yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999));

private boolean dateOK(String monthString, int dayInt , int yearInt)
return (monthOK(monthString) && (dayInt >= 1) && (dayInt <= 31) && (yearInt >= 1000) && (yearInt <= 9999));
private boolean monthOK(String month)
return(month.equals("January") || month.equals("February") || month.equals("March") || month.equals("April") || month.equals("May") || month.equals("June") || month.equals("July") || month.equals("August") || month.equals("September") || month.equals("October") || month.equals("November") || month.equals("December"));


public void readInput()
boolean tryAgain = true;
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
while (tryAgain)
System.out.println("Enter month, day, year.");
System.out.println("Do not use a coma.");
String monthInput = keyboard.next();
int dayInput = keyboard.nextInt();
int yearInput = keyboard.nextInt();
if (dateOK(monthInput , dayInput , yearInput))
setDate(monthInput, dayInput , yearInput);
tryAgain = false;
System.out.println("Illegal date. Reenter input.");


private String monthString(int monthInt)
switch (monthInt)
case 1:
return "January";
case 2:
return "Febuary";
case 3:
return "March";
case 4:
return "April";
case 5:
return "May";
case 6:
return "June";
case 7:
return "July";
case 8:
return "August";
case 9:
return "September";
case 10:
return "October";
case 11:
return "November";
case 12:
return "December";
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return "Error";
public String toString ()
return month + " " + day + "," + year;


public class OverloadingDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
DateSixthTry date1 = new DateSixthTry(),date2 = new DateSixthTry(),date3 = new DateSixthTry();

date1.setDate(1, 2, 2008);
date2.setDate("February", 2, 2008);




2008年5月26日 星期一

Lab ADT, accessor, mutator

Define a Complex class and write an object oriented program to compute (2+3i)+(4+5i) in Java.
The methods should include an access and a mutator.

2008年5月25日 星期日

lab Fraction equality test

Write a program to implement a method that can check whether 2 fractions are equal. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The equality test of 2 fractions should return a boolean value.Use the following as the tests.
1/2, 2/4
5/6, 6/7Hints:Fraction f1, f2;f1.equals(f2);



2008年5月19日 星期一

lab Fraction Addition

Write a program to implement a method that can do additions of 2 fractions. You will implement a class called Fraction consisting of a numerator and a denominator. The additions of2 fractions should be equal to a fraction.Use 1/2+1/3 as the test.Hints:Fraction f1, f2;f1.add(f2);

lab counter

Define a class called Counter whose objects count things. An object of this class records a count that is a nonnegative integer. Include methods to set the counter to 0, to increase the count by 1, and to decrease the count by 1. Include an accessor method that returns the current count value and a method that outputs the count to the screen. Write a program to test


2008年4月28日 星期一

lab class definition 2

Study Display 4.4 (2nd ed. and 3rd ed.) or Display 4.2 & Display 4.3 (1st ed.) and then
1. Comment out date.setDate(6, 17, year); by // date.setDate(6, 17, year);
2. At the next line below, add date.readInput();
3. Run the program again. Fix any problems you may encouter along the way.
4. At the last line of your program, add System.out.println(date.month);and see what happens. Why?

System.out.println()非CLASS的METHOD 故此無法純取CLASS的MEMBER

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DateThirdTry
private String month;
private int day;
private int year;

public void setDate(int newMonth, int newDay, int newYear)
month = monthString(newMonth);
day = newDay;
year = newYear;
public String monthString(int monthNumber)
switch (monthNumber)
case 1:
return "January";
case 2:
return "Februay";
case 3:
return "March";
case 4:
return "April";
case 5:
return "May";
case 6:
return "June";
case 7:
return "July";
case 8:
return "August";
case 9:
return "September";
case 10:
return "October";
case 11:
return "November";
case 12:
return "December";
System.out.println("Fatal Error");
return "Error";

public void writeOutput()
System.out.println(month + " " + day + ", "+ year);



public class DateThirdTryDemo

public static void main(String[] args)
DateThirdTry date = new DateThirdTry();
int year = 1882;
date.setDate(6, 17, year);



public class DateThirdTryDemo

public static void main(String[] args)
DateThirdTry date = new DateThirdTry();





2008年4月14日 星期一

lab class definition

Display 4.1

Self-Test Exercise 1

public class DateFirstTry
public String month;
public int day;
public int year;
public void writeOutput()
System.out.println(month + "" + day + ", " + year);

public void makeItNewYears ()
month = "January";
day = 1;



public class DateFirstTryDemo
public static void main(String[] args)
DateFirstTry date1, date2;
date1 = new DateFirstTry();
date2 = new DateFirstTry();
date1.month = "December";
date1.day = 31;
date1.year = 2007;

date2.month = "July";
date2.day = 4;
date2.year = 1776 ;


Average income by gender

Write a program to calculate average income by gender based on the following data, where F stands for female and M for male.

F 62,000
M 25,000
F 38,000
F 43,000
M 65,000
M 120,000
F 80,000
M 30,100

You should be able to allow users to type in a whole line such as F 80,000 followed by next line M 30,100.

Without any change made to your program, your program should be able to process a new set of data, such as follows:

M 52,000
M 35,000
F 48,000
M 33,000
F 75,000
F 110,000
F 90,000
M 30,100

2008年4月7日 星期一

Lab 9*9

public class work
public static void main (String[] args)
int i,j;
System.out.printf("%2d*%2d=%2d", j,i,i*j);

"Lab Fibonacci numbers"

import java.util.Scanner;
public class work
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);
int a = keyboard.nextInt();
double i = 1,j = 0,k = 0,z;
for(z=0; z<=a; z++)
k = i+j;
if(z!= 100)

System.out.printf("%5.0e + %5.0e\t" ,j,i);


System.out.printf("%5.0f + %5.0f\t" ,j,i);
j = i;
i = k;

if (z!= 100)

System.out.printf("=\t%.0e\n" ,i);


System.out.printf("=\t%.0f\n", i);

double o=k, p=j, m=o/p;
System.out.printf("the ratio %5f\n", m);




Homework 3-24-2008

1. Based on your study of Display 3.8, write a code to find the max and min of a list of number.For example, given 1,3,5, and9, the max is 9 and the min is 1.Your program should be able to process a list of any length.

2. Write a program to generate the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...The series has a property that the third number is the sum of the first and second numbers. For example, 2=1+1, 3=1+2, and 5=2+3.

Lab Finding the max of three numbers

import java.util.Scanner;

public class work {
public static void main( String[] args )

Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);

double [] matrix = new double [3];
double maximum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <>
{ matrix[i] = keyboard.nextDouble();} f
or (int i = 0; i <>
{ if (maximum < maximum =" matrix[i];">
System.out.println("最大值:" + maximum);

2008年3月24日 星期一

Lab: Tax Calculation

為 1,000,000時 ↓

為 2,000,000時↓

import java.util.Scanner;

public class work
public static void main (String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
double netIncome, tax;

System.out.println("Enter net income. \n" + "Do not include a dollar sign or commas");
netIncome = keyboard.nextDouble();

if (netIncome <= 370000) tax = 0.06*netIncome; else if (netIncome > 370000 && netIncome <= 990000) tax = 0.13*netIncome-25900; else if (netIncome > 990000 && netIncome <= 1980000) tax = 0.21*netIncome-105100; else if (netIncome > 1980000 && netIncome <= 3720000) tax = (0.3*netIncome-283300); else tax = 0.4*netIncome-655300; System.out.println("Tax of = " + tax); } }

2008年3月23日 星期日

Homework 3-17 2007

import java.util.Scanner;

public class project
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.print("type the number you want:");
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner (System.in);
double h = keyboard.nextDouble();
double guess = h / 2;
double n;
for (int i=0 ;i <= 10 ; i++) { n = h/guess; guess =(guess+n)/2; } System.out.println(h+ "開根號:"+guess); }


import java.util.Scanner;

public class project2
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
int a = input.nextInt();
int b = input.nextInt();
int c = a + b;
int d = a - b;
int e = a * b;
System.out.println(a+"+" +b+"="+ c);
System.out.println(a+"-" +b+"="+ d);
System.out.println(a+"*" +b+"="+e);


Lab Keyboard input

package homework;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;

public class ScannerDemo
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
BufferedReader keyboard= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.println("Enter the number of pods followed by");
System.out.println("the number if peas in a pods");

String numberOfPods = keyboard.readLine();
String peasPerPod = keyboard.readLine();

int a,b;
a = Integer.parseInt(numberOfPods);
b = Integer.parseInt(peasPerPod);

int totalNumberOfPeas = a * b;

System.out.println(numberOfPods + " pods and ");
System.out.println(peasPerPod + " peas per pod ");
System.out.println("The tolal number of peas = " +totalNumberOfPeas);

2008年3月17日 星期一

Lab Scanner

import java.util.Scanner;

public class df
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enter the number of pods followed by");
System.out.println("the number of peas in a pod");
int numberOfPods = keyboard.nextInt();
int peasPerPod = keyboard.nextInt();

int totalNumberOfPeas = numberOfPods*peasPerPod;

System.out.println(numberOfPods + "pods and");
System.out.println(peasPerPod + "peas per pod.");
System.out.println("The total number of peas = " + totalNumberOfPeas);


2008年3月10日 星期一

Lab: String Processing

package gf;

public class S1

{ public static void main(String[] args)


int a; int b; String part_a = "", part_b = "";

String sentence = "I hate you";

String keyword = "love";


a = sentence.indexOf("hate");

b = a + 4; part_a= sentence.substring(0,a);

part_b= sentence.substring(b);




Lab: Simple Calculation

package gf;
public class S1 {

public static void main(String[] args)


double a = 4000/(double)5280;

double b = 6000/(double)5280;

double c = a*5000;

double d = b*5000;





2008年3月6日 星期四

Homework 3-3-2008

1. Explain bytecode, JVM
bytecode:是一種中間語言,可以稱為Java byte-code 或是簡稱為 byte-code,當初之所以要發展的原因是為了讓這語言能在不同的機械中運作,而它具有許多的特性:很小, 很容易上手, 而且並不貴等因素,而他負責編譯機械語言,讓使用者變於撰寫

2. Explain class, object

class: A Java program is divided into smaller parts called classes, and normally each class definition is in a separate file and is compiled separately.

object: To make sure it is clear which program we mean, we call the input program, which in our case will be a Java program, the source program, or source code, and call the translated low-level-language program that the compiler produces the object program, or object code.

3. Reading Assignments
Read 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 of Textbook

4.1 Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;

Print i;

Print 2 * (i++);

Print i;

public class I


public static void main(String[] args)

int i;/*虛告一個i的函數*/
i = 2;



4.2 Write a Java program as follows:

Let i=2;

Print i;

Print 2 * (++i);

Print i;

package homework;

public class I


public static void main(String[] args)


int i;/*虛告一個i的函數*/

i = 2;






4.3 Write a Java program as follows:

Let m=7, n=2;

Print (double) m/n;

Print m/ (double)n;

public class I


public static void main(String[] args)


int m,n;/*虛告m和n的函數*/

m = 7; n = 2;





2008年3月3日 星期一

Lab 2 Java for Scientific Computation

public class JAVA {
public static void main (String[] args)
int weight_of_mouse = 400;/*各個的體重*/
int weight_of_human = 75000;
int weight_of_strating = 75000;
int weight_of_desired = 70000;
double ratio_of_sweetener_to_soda = 0.001;
double sweetener_to_kill_a_mouse = 1;
double ratio_of_sweetener_to_mouse;
double sweetener_to_human;
double diet_soda_drink_in_safely_range;
System.out.println("如果我們知道"+sweetener_to_kill_a_mouse+" g 可殺死1隻"+""+weight_of_mouse+"克的老鼠");
ratio_of_sweetener_to_mouse = sweetener_to_kill_a_mouse / weight_of_mouse;
sweetener_to_human = weight_of_human * ratio_of_sweetener_to_mouse;
diet_soda_drink_in_safely_range = sweetener_to_human / ratio_of_sweetener_to_soda;
System.out.println("一個人所能喝的量為"+sweetener_to_human+" g 的"+ "人工代糖");
System.out.println("如果一個成年人想使用減肥可樂,那他的量不應該超過:"+diet_soda_drink_in_safely_range/1000 + "公升");



Lab Get familiar with JBuilder

public class firstprogram
{ public static void main (String[]args)
System.out.println("hello!! world!!");
System.out.println("welcome to JAVA");
System.out.println("Let's demonstrate a caculation");
int answer;
answer = 3 + 2;
System.out.println("3 PLUS 2 answer:"+ answer);

2008年3月2日 星期日

Homework 2-25-2008

1. Watch The Inside Story (Video), write your words on the development and inventor of Java.

Java,是一種物件導向的程式語言,它是由Sun Microsystems的James Gosling等人在1990年初開發的。它最初被命名為Oak,用來設定小型家電的程式語言,解決電器的控制和通訊問題。但是由於智慧型家電的市場需求沒有預期的高,最後被迫放棄。後來隨著網際網路的發展,Sun看到了Oak在電腦網路上的廣闊應用前景,於是改造了Oak,在1995年5月以「Java」的名稱正式發佈。Java伴隨著網際網路的迅猛發展而發展,逐漸成為重要的網路程式語言。

2. List at least 5 applications of Java. You must provide the references you used. We recommend Google Search engine.

2008年2月25日 星期一


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